

The Domino Sugar Refinery was the first refinery of the American Sugar Refining Company. It processed more than half of the sugar sold in the…

Vertical green

Have you ever thought of building a green roof or a vertical garden for your house? After this article, you will start thinking about it,…

Are you a big foot?

You do not have to be a mythological creature to produce a huge carbon footprint. Carbon footprints are determined by how much of the greenhouse…

Donald Trump (Photo: Michael Brochstein/ZUMA)

Back in the coal old days

Here’s what’s on Donald Trump’s climate change “hit list”, according to the respected current affairs magazine Newsweek. He will “gut” the Paris climate deal, “scrap”…


810 steps underground. That’s what it takes to reach the bottom of the wonderful Wieliczka Salt Mine, which was closed after over 900 years of…